Wednesday, July 18, 2012

berry bad girl

Sugar came in from the backyard this morning, looking extremely sheepish.  Like maybe she got away with something, but felt like she needed to fess up.  "Sugar?" I said with s stern, voice, trying not to laugh.  Her ears slowly folded back, and her big eyes stared up at me.  Her face was drenched with morning dew.  A dead give away.  "Have you been eating the raspberries again?"  She held her pose.  Eyes locked on mine.  "I'm so ashamed of you.  I thought we were going to pick those berries together."  I lead her outside by the collar.  Her tail finally started wagging when she realized we were going to finish up the the picking together.  Sugar got everything from doggy nose height down (or maybe standing dog nose height down).  And I savored the remaining four berries on the tippy top of the bush.  We both enjoyed our breakfast.  

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